FlexiSPY and its call interception feature for BlackBerry allows you to conveniently spy on BlackBerry phone calls using your own phone, while remaining undetected at all times. What used to be the subject of Hollywood movies is now just a few steps away.
After purchasing our mobile spy software, you’ll be able able to start monitoring, and in the following guide you’ll learn the steps needed to spy on BlackBerry phone calls. So, let’s get started!
Spy On BlackBerry Phone Calls — Getting Started
Step 1 — Login to your FlexiSPY dashboard
Step 2 — Click the Control Center tab and then click Live Call Controls.
Step 3 — Click Enable Call Interception
Step 4 — Make sure it is set to ON.
Step 5 — Click Manage Watchlist
Step 6 — Make sure all three options under Global Options are checked as shown.
Step 7 — Click Bugging Controls.
Step 8 — Click Set Monitor Number.
Step 9 — Enter your own mobile phone number in the international format (+XX123456789) and click Sync Now when done.
Step 10 — After you’ve set the monitor number and clicked Sync Now, and — providing you entered the monitor number correctly- every time they make a call on their smartphone you will receive an SMS message alerting you. Just remember to mute your own phone when you intercept the call, otherwise you’ll be heard. ; )
You are now successfully spying on their phone calls! It’s as simple as that.
If you had any questions about this feature, or any other FlexiSPY feature, please let us know in the comments section below, or through our social media!