Try Before You Buy | We Now Have A Demo

Сентябрь 10, 2015

Urgent Update: we’ve successfully made everyone’s dreams come true!

Well, while not really so great a feat, we still wanted to let our blog readers know that now you can take FlexiSPY for a spin before you buy.

That’s right, we’ve added a demo.

Why add a demo now?

The pressure for a demo has always been on from site visitors who haven’t joined the FlexiSPY fan club yet. but making a demo takes time and resources, and while our development team is constantly working on keeping our software pushing ahead, we had always felt that allocating resources to the creation of a demo was a waste of time compared to keeping our team dedicated to product development.

It turns out though, that it didn’t take too much effort to get the demo up and running, and now we’ll have the «please add a demo» headache go away.

What you can do with the demo

With the demo you don’t need to install any software onto a phone, you just head over to the demo from the link below, click login, and you’ll then be greeted with what you’d normally see after logging into your paid FlexiSPY account. The only limitation with the demo is that you can’t install our software onto a phone with it—that’s reserved for paying customers.

So, if you’ve been wanting a better glimpse into what you’re getting with FlexiSPY—before you buy—then now is a good time to check out what we have to offer!

If you have any questions about the demo, or any suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below, we are happy to take your suggestions and questions.

Check out our demo!

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