We’re happy to announce that the latest version of FlexiSPY for Android is here! In this release, we really tried to act on the feedback that you guys put forward to us, and we’re very excited about the new offerings! So, what’s changed?
AutoUpdate — We’re really proud of this feature in our latest release. After updating to the latest version of FlexiSPY for Android (2.3.5) and, if the device is running on Limited 1, or Full mode, the device will be able to auto-update to future FlexiSPY releases!
RemCam — When activated, RemCam now captures a photo from the back, AND front camera simultaneously!
BBM — We’ve added support for Location Capture and Sticker Capture!
Facebook — We now support video capture for Facebook!
There’s also various other changes and improvements that we didn’t want to squash into this article, so for a more in-depth look into what the latest release gives you, check out our Android Page.
Most of these changes started off as great suggestions by people that have been fans of our software for a long time. If you suggest an improvement for FlexiSPY, we’ll review it, and it could eventually get passed along to our developers. So, why not brainstorm a few things you’d like to see, and leave your thoughts in the comments section below, it’s a win-win for everyone and we’d be delighted to hear from you!