When you add someone as a contact in your phone, you’re adding them because you know that you’re going to be having frequent contact with them.
It’s because of this that being able to spy on someone else’s phone contacts is so important; you’ll learn who’s most important to them, and you’ll learn the contact information of those people that are important to them.
In the following guide, you’ll learn how to start, using FlexiSPY.
Getting Started
Step 1 – Login to your FlexiSPY Dashboard via the Portal
Step 2 – Click the Contacts tab.
Step 3 – View their current list of contacts uploaded for your viewing.
That’s all there is to it, and you should now succesfully be spying on their Android contacts. Of course, if you have any questions about this feature, or any other FlexiSPY feature, feel free to let us know in the comments section below, or through our social media.