So you searched for a FlexiSPY Coupon code, eh?
Well we’re glad that you landed on this post!
There’s been a lot of Scam Coupon sites recently offering bogus codes for our software. These sites -created by competitors?- offer fake codes to those searching for a legit discount. Worse yet, some sites will redirect you to a bogus spy phone software site, or even a competitors site.
To counter this, we’ve made this post in hopes that when you search for « FlexiSPY Coupon Code » in your favorite search engine, you’ll land here, instead of page with malicious intentions.
Help Share Our Coupon Page
If you landed on this post first, straight from your search engine, then you’re lucky. We ask that if this post has benefited you, you will « like » this post or share it with your friends! Doing this actually makes this post more visible in search results, so people won’t be as likely to click on a bogus site.
Right now we don’t have any promotion codes
We do however, have a brand-new pricing system that we formed from our customer feedback with plans starting out as low at $69.99 per month. If you’re still not lovin’ it, then we advise that you go to the FlexiSPY home page and sign up to our mailing list there, where we have sometimes sent out seasonal promotions.
Scam Coupon Sites
We’ve compiled a small list of coupon sites known to provide not just false FlexiSPY codes, but a number of false codes for other products.
If you want real FlexiSPY coupon codes or you want to stay up to date with the latest FlexiSPY news, promotions and discounts then make sure you are following FlexiSPY through the following channels because only through official FlexiSPY channels will official FlexiSPY coupon codes be given.