FlexiSPY for Computers Improves Opera Browser Monitoring

juillet 6, 2018

If a loved one or employee is browsing the internet on their computer, there’s a good chance they’re using one of the five major browsers — Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer / Edge, Safari — or Opera. And if you’ve wondered what types of sites they’re visiting, or what kind of emails they’re sending and receiving from their browsers, then you’ll be excited to learn about improvements to our Opera Browser monitoring feature. Here’s what’s new:

We’ve introduced three new monitoring abilities for our opera browser feature. These are

  • App Screenshot
  • Capture Visited Websites
  • Web-mail Capture

So, let’s take a closer look at each of these, starting with app screenshot.

App Screenshot takes screenshots of what the person on the other end of the browser is seeing, and uploads these as photos to your FlexiSPY dashboard where you can view them, and even download them to your PC for later viewing.

Employers can use this feature to gather evidence during an investigation into a rouge employee. Parents will find this useful for monitoring their children’s behavior on social media.

The second improvement we’ve made is adding tracking for visited websites with the URL capturing feature. This is useful if you want to quickly check to make sure your loved ones or employees have not been visiting any dangerous sites. In your portal you can even set up alerts for certain sites, so that you’ll know right away if they’re accessing something restricted.

Finally, we’ve added web-mail capturing, which means that you can now see incoming and outgoing emails from the following clients: Outlook Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook Office365. Use this to make sure your companies confidential files aren’t leaving the network and into competitor hands, or to make sure an elderly loved one is not falling victim to an email scam.

How to get these improvements?

To get these exciting updates, make sure you’re running the latest version of FlexiSPY for Computers.

Note: if an update is available, a glowing update icon will appear in the upper right-hand corner of your portal. Simply click that and follow the prompts to get the latest version.

What feature would you like to see next?

Let us know in the comments section below and help shape the future of FlexiSPY.

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