Keylogger For Android — Introducing A Brand New FlexiSPY Feature

5월 24, 2017

FlexiSPY is proud to announce the release of our brand-new feature – Keylogger for Android – a unique function that captures every keystroke entered on a target device, regardless if a user hits send or not.

What is Keylogger for Android?

Our Keylogger for Android is a free feature available to PREMIUM and EXTREME customers. It records everything that is typed in any of the supported applications, including messages, search terms, and even deleted text. This tool has benefits for all FlexiSPY customers including parents, employers and even those using the software for personal use, as it helps in providing a complete snapshot of how an app is being utilized – and anyone who is responsible for employees or children knows the importance of understanding how and why apps are used.

How does Keylogger for Android work?

When a letter, word or character is typed into a supported application, such as Facebook, WhatsApp or LINE, the Keylogger for Android picks up the keystrokes and adds them to a secure log file in your online portal.

To view the recorded information, simply log in to your portal and click the Key Logs button. From here you can select your desired application from the list of supported programs and read what has been typed in the secure file log.

If you are looking for a specific keyword within the Keylogger for Android, our search function lets you quickly filter through the stored data to find the information that is relevant to you.

Why is Keylogger for Android useful?

The Keylogger for Android has a number of important uses for employers and parents, as well as yourself:

Employers can use the Keylogger for Android to monitor employee activity to ensure the protection of intellectual property and to prevent internal theft.

Parents, on the other hand, will find peace knowing their children are exercising responsible judgement online and can step in at the first sign of risky behavior or inappropriate contact with strangers.

When it comes to personal use, Keylogger for Android provides an extra backup for those times when you misplace an important piece of information or need to confirm the exact terms you agreed upon with your building contractor before the project began.

As mentioned, a major benefit of Keylogger for Android is that it also records deleted text, so when we say it records every keystroke, conversation or search term in every supported application, we mean every single one.

Tell us what you think

What do you think of Keylogger for Android? Employers – how can this improve your workplace? Parents – in what situations do you think this feature will help to protect your children?

Stay in the know

We are continually adding new features like the Keylogger for Android to FlexiSPY. Check out our Changelog for a full list of features here

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