por FlexiSPY | Jan 15, 2020 | Ultimas Noticias |
With the release of Android 10-15, its not possible to hide the installation icon on a device that is not rooted. Luckily, we have been able to figure out a solution, however its is very complex. We have decided to make this available as part of our installation...
por FlexiSPY | Nov 22, 2019 | destacados Publicar, Ultimas Noticias |
¿Alguna vez has necesitado saber lo que alguien estaba diciendo por teléfono pero no pudiste hacerlo? Tal vez estás preocupado de que tu hijo se esté poniendo en peligro o hablando con extraños, o has estado necesitas obtener esa evidencia para proteger tu relación....
por FlexiSPY | Nov 22, 2019 | Ultimas Noticias |
¿Te gustaría convertir un teléfono en una cámara y grabadora de video controladas de forma remota? Nos complace anunciar que RemCam & RemVid — dos potentes características exclusivas de FlexiSPY ya están disponibles para Android OS 9 Si te preocupa la seguridad de...
por FlexiSPY | Sep 5, 2019 | destacados Publicar, Ultimas Noticias |
Want to reveal secrets on an iPhone? FlexiSPY is proud to announce that our iPhone spy app & iPad spy app now supports up to iOS 12.4 This means if you are a parent, employer, or anyone interested in protecting their own iPhone, now’s your chance! Whatsmore...
por FlexiSPY | Jul 23, 2019 | destacados Publicar, Ultimas Noticias |
This year 1.5 billion people worldwide will send messages to friends, family, and people they’ve met on the internet with an IM application called WhatsApp. You probably use it yourself, and with it’s enormous user base, odds are if you’re interested...
por FlexiSPY | Jun 25, 2019 | Ultimas Noticias |
We’ve made some useful updates to the FlexiSPY portal. Here’s whats changed. 1. We’ve reintroduced the original dashboard area In response to customer requests, we’ve reintroduced the original dashboard area. This means you can now see...