von FlexiSPY | Juni 28, 2017 | Besondere Beitrag, Aktuelles |
What is FlexiVIEW? FlexiVIEW is a first-of-its-kind app that gives Premium and Extreme users the ability to see many of your favorite FlexiSPY events right from your phone – that means you won’t need to check the online portal for information about Call Record, VoIP...
von FlexiSPY | Juni 23, 2017 | Aktuelles |
Kaspersky Lab, the Russian cybersecurity and anti-virus vendor, filed a series of antitrust complaints against Microsoft earlier this month, stating the software giant is purposely disabling third-party anti-virus programs in favor of its Windows Defender AV. However,...
von FlexiSPY | Juni 2, 2017 | Aktuelles |
Android User freuen sich! FlexiSPY ist begeistert zu verkünden, dass wir jetzt Nougat unterstützen, bis heute die schlankeste und (unserer Meinung nach) sexieste Android Plattform. Unser Entwicklerteam hat rund um die Uhr gearbeitet, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere...
von FlexiSPY | Mai 5, 2017 | Aktuelles |
The reports of a FlexiSPY ‚hack‘ have been greatly exaggerated, but first, some context. The report was broken by a blogger who — as evidenced by intercepted communication from a recovered twitter account — had a 6-week exclusive agreement with an obsessed...
von FlexiSPY | März 31, 2017 | Aktuelles |
After drawing inspiration from last year’s DEFCON where two ethical hackers found a gap in the network security of the We-Vibe 4 vibrator, we’re delighted to announce the launch of FlexiFLESH – our first-ever sex toy compatible hacking app. This new...
von FlexiSPY | Jan. 4, 2017 | Besondere Beitrag, Aktuelles, Trends von Postern |
We are delighted to announce that you can now monitor PC’s and Macs with FlexiSPY for Computers. FlexiSPY for Computers is the most powerful spy software you can buy for PC & Mac. With over 40+ features, more than any competitor, to help you monitor the...