von FlexiSPY | Nov. 18, 2014 | iPhone Tips & Tricks |
If the iPhone you want to monitor has been upgraded to iOS 8.1.1 then you’ll need to downgrade back to 8.1 so that you can jailbreak. Right now there is good news as Apple appears to be signing the iOS 8.1 firmware files (for now) which means that if you want to...
von FlexiSPY | Nov. 18, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
You can now install and run FlexiSPY PREMIUM as well as FlexiSPY iPad on any jailbroken iOS device running iOS 8.1! This means that you can now get the same unrivaled IM capturing capabilities on iOS 8.1 as well as great signature FlexiSPY features such as spy call...
von FlexiSPY | Nov. 10, 2014 | Android Tips & Tricks, Tips und Tricks |
Sometimes you might want to change a capturing setting in the FlexiSPY control panel. Maybe you’d like to activate our Ambient Recording feature, or change what app’s you’re monitoring. Whatever the case, you’re given the option to choose the...
von FlexiSPY | Nov. 6, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
FlexiSPY has long had a reputation for being the best, but ridiculously expensive. That’s only half true however, because we have never been expensive. Our PREMIUM product is available at $149 for a year, which compares well against mSpy $199 for...
von FlexiSPY | Nov. 4, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
This guide will show you how to unroot an Android phone so that you can send it for repair for example and it will also show you how to re-enable software updates which are normally disabled after having rooted the device. Disclaimer: This process will DELETE ALL DATA...
von FlexiSPY | Nov. 3, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
Since the StealthGenie incident, smartphone monitoring software based in the USA have been busy making changes to make sure that they stay legal in the eyes of the law. This is why mSpy, who were the only other smartphone monitoring software to offer the ability to...