von FlexiSPY | Okt. 20, 2014 | Android Tips & Tricks, Tips und Tricks |
Here on the FlexiSPY blog we love to customise our devices and root them and jailbreak them but we understand that this does not come without risk. Therefore, in this article we will explain how you can quickly and safely backup the entire contents of your Android...
von FlexiSPY | Okt. 16, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
Android phones give you the most functionality and customisation options when compared to all other rivals on the market. But what happens when it goes wrong? What if you install the wrong custom ROM or you have just downgraded the OS and want to restore from backup –...
von FlexiSPY | Okt. 15, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
Installing custom ROMS, downgrading, upgrading, rooting, tweaks, installing kernels – the modifications and tweaks you can do for an Android phone far outnumber that from any other platform or rival. However sometimes these procedures can be technical and, sometimes...
von FlexiSPY | Okt. 14, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
Disclaimer: FlexiSPY is not responsible for any loss of data or damages incurred from following the directions given. The directions were accurate at the time of writing. Please make sure you follow the rooting guide correctly if you need to root your phone first and...
von FlexiSPY | Okt. 13, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
As anyone who is interested in the shutdown of Stealthgenie website will know, Invocode CEO, Hamad Akbar, was indicted personally for violation of four US laws, three of which are defined in Title 18, Section 2512, and one in Section 317. No one knows at this stage...
von FlexiSPY | Okt. 13, 2014 | Tips und Tricks |
If you don’t fancy getting in trouble with the FBI we recommend to remove all traces of StealthGenie from your phone. In this article we will show you how. For Android On the phone itself go to Settings > Application Manager and look for an application called...