от FlexiSPY | Jan 7, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости Android, Советы и Хитрости |
Sending SMS messages is one of the most popular forms of communication in the world with children, teens and employers sending far more text messages than making actual phone calls. So, here’s a guide for how to spy on text messages with FlexiSPY’s SMS...
от FlexiSPY | Jan 6, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости Android, Советы и Хитрости |
Viber is a relatively new form of instant messaging compared to the likes of Skype and Whatsapp or LINE but it is still nonetheless popular. If you know someone who is spending perhaps too much time on Viber then our Mobile Spy Software and its Viber capturing...
от FlexiSPY | Jan 3, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости Android, Советы и Хитрости |
This article was inspired by a recent post on the FlexiSPY blog about FlexiSPY’s WeChat for Android feature from an interested reader who wanted to know how to root an Android phone. You can read that article here. Please remember also to read the full...
от FlexiSPY | Jan 2, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости Android, Советы и Хитрости |
Do you have a feeling that they are looking at sites they should not be on their smartphone? Have you ever wondered why they spend so much time on the internet on their phone and what they are up to? With FlexiSPY’s mobile spy software, and its bookmarks feature...
от FlexiSPY | Jan 2, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости Android, Советы и Хитрости |
Have you ever wondered how to spy on Android internet browsing history? What about parents who are concerned about what websites your underage child is visiting? Or maybe your employee has a history of visiting inappropriate websites on company computers? Or perhaps...
от FlexiSPY | Dec 6, 2013 | Советы и Хитрости Android, Советы и Хитрости |
Update! FlexiSPY Software is now available for Android 4.3 But – feel free to read the rest of this post. So you Want to spy on their brand new Galaxy Note 3 running OS 4.3, but you haven’t found any compatible or genuine spyphone software that works with...