โดย FlexiSPY | พ.ค. 24, 2017 | Product Updates |
Application Screenshot for iOS is a free feature for PREMIUM and EXTREME customers that remotely snaps screenshots of an app while it’s in use and automatically uploads the images to your online portal. This is one of many powerful FlexiSPY functions that aims to...
โดย FlexiSPY | พ.ค. 24, 2017 | Product Updates |
Keylogger for iPhone is an exciting addition to FlexiSPY’s iOS features list. This unique function captures every keystroke entered on a target device, even if a user does not hit send. What is Keylogger for iPhone? Free for PREMIUM and EXTREME customers, Keylogger...
โดย FlexiSPY | พ.ค. 24, 2017 | Product Updates |
FlexiSPY is proud to announce the release of our brand-new feature – Keylogger for Android – a unique function that captures every keystroke entered on a target device, regardless if a user hits send or not. What is Keylogger for Android? Our Keylogger for Android is...
โดย FlexiSPY | พ.ค. 19, 2017 | ข่าวล่าสุด |
Android users rejoice! FlexiSPY is thrilled to announce that we now support Nougat, the sleekest and (in our opinion) sexiest platform from Android to date. Our development team has worked round the clock to ensure our users have access to the latest technology – and...
โดย FlexiSPY | พ.ค. 18, 2017 | ไม่มีหมวดหมู่ |
If you’re responsible for employees or children, you know how important it is to understand why they’re using certain apps. So today we’re excited to announce Application Screenshots, and a Keylogger. Two features that will help you get a complete...