โดย FlexiSPY | ส.ค. 5, 2022 | โพสต์ที่โดดเด่น |
Summer break is almost over, and kids will be going back to school with the latest Windows 11 devices. What’s more, employees across the globe are returning to on-premises working. So, whether you are a parent, or an employer, now is the time to put monitoring...
โดย FlexiSPY | มิ.ย. 28, 2022 | โพสต์ที่โดดเด่น |
We are saddened to say that after years of trying to absorb rising costs caused by rampant inflation, we have to announce price increases. While it seems natural to blame Sellers, the truth of the matter is that we are no different to you, the Consumer. The facts...
โดย FlexiSPY | มี.ค. 19, 2022 | ข่าวล่าสุด |
Update — August 2022: Suppressing the Indicators No Longer Requires Root. To suppress indicators, simply use the Installation Service Need to monitor newer phones running Android OS 12? If so, great news! Until now on Android 12 — whenever an application requested use...
โดย FlexiSPY | ต.ค. 28, 2021 | โพสต์ที่โดดเด่น |
Need to spy on your child or employee’s new Android phone? With FlexiSPY for Android 12 — now you can! We know that parents, employers, or anyone interested in protecting their own Android will be as thrilled as we are with this development. What’s more, because...
โดย FlexiSPY | ก.ย. 2, 2021 | โพสต์ที่โดดเด่น |
In these Covid-19 times where people are working and learning from home, PC’s & Macs have become more important than ever. FlexiSPY for Computers allows you to monitor your Mac and PC so you can keep an eye on what your employee is doing or what your...