โดย FlexiSPY | พ.ค. 25, 2021 | ข่าวล่าสุด |
FlexiSPY is happy to announce that our iPhone & iPad Spy App now supports iOS 14.6. Keeping up with the latest updates from Apple has always been a priority for FlexiSPY’s development team. We work hard to ensure our customers can monitor their devices without any...
โดย FlexiSPY | เม.ย. 5, 2021 | ข่าวล่าสุด |
Google Messages is now the Default SMS app for Android. If you wish to protect your children and employees from misuse of SMS — then FlexiSPY is the only choice FlexiSPY users can now remotely view all messages sent and received on Google Messages including contacts,...
โดย FlexiSPY | มี.ค. 11, 2021 | ข่าวล่าสุด |
The FlexISPY Team are delighted to announce the release of Tinder & Instagram Direct Message Capture for non-rooted Android devices running on OS 9 or above. FlexiSPY users can now remotely view all incoming and outgoing Tinder & Instagram messages including...
โดย FlexiSPY | ม.ค. 6, 2021 | โพสต์ที่โดดเด่น, ข่าวล่าสุด |
The FlexISPY Team are delighted to announce the release of Facebook Messenger Capture for non-rooted Android devices running on OS 9 or above. FlexiSPY users can now remotely view all incoming and outgoing Facebook messages including contacts, dates, and time stamps...
โดย FlexiSPY | ต.ค. 26, 2020 | โพสต์ที่โดดเด่น, ข่าวล่าสุด |
FlexiSPY for Computers now supports the newest Mac laptops and desktops running macOS Catalina! This update could not have come at a more critical time — with millions of children around the world forced into at-home-learning — there has never been more need to...