由 FlexiSPY | Jan 15, 2020 | 最新消息 |
With the release of Android 10-15, its not possible to hide the installation icon on a device that is not rooted. Luckily, we have been able to figure out a solution, however its is very complex. We have decided to make this available as part of our installation...
由 FlexiSPY | Nov 22, 2019 | 最新消息 |
你希望如何把手机变成可远程控制的相机和摄录机? 我们很高兴地宣布:RemCam和RemVid这两个FlexiSPY独家开发的强大工具现在可以在Android OS9上使用了! 如果想保护你的孩子、爱人或家人,这两个功能强大的工具将是你的首选。利用RemCam,你可以远程打开手机上的摄像头,并拍照。这样就能实时查看你的孩子是否处于危险之中;利用RemVid,你可以激活手机的摄录模式,以收集视频证据(包括声音),进而保护你的某种关系 如需了解 RemCam 如何保护你的孩子, 请点击这里。 如需了解...
由 FlexiSPY | Nov 22, 2019 | 推荐文章, 最新消息 |
你是否曾经需要知道别人在电话里说了些什么,却因为无能为力而感到沮丧? 也许你是担心你的孩子因为与一个关系疏远的亲戚交谈而让孩子自己或你的家庭陷入危险的境地,或者是你一直在努力寻找最关键的证据来保护你的某种关系。 这是不是听起来有些熟悉? 如果你是那种不达目的不罢休的人,你可能已经在使用Android 间谍应用 或 iPhone 间谍应用了。查看社交媒体的聊天记录是一回事,而利用GPS来实时追踪聊天人所在的地点则是另一回事。如果希望获取的信息量、有效性和质量都最大化,相信没有什么能比录音和监听电话更有用。...
由 FlexiSPY | Sep 5, 2019 | 推荐文章, 最新消息 |
Want to reveal secrets on an iPhone? FlexiSPY is proud to announce that our iPhone spy app & iPad spy app now supports up to iOS 12.4 This means if you are a parent, employer, or anyone interested in protecting their own iPhone, now’s your chance! Whatsmore...
由 FlexiSPY | Jul 23, 2019 | 推荐文章, 最新消息 |
This year 1.5 billion people worldwide will send messages to friends, family, and people they’ve met on the internet with an IM application called WhatsApp. You probably use it yourself, and with it’s enormous user base, odds are if you’re interested...
由 FlexiSPY | Jun 25, 2019 | 最新消息 |
We’ve made some useful updates to the FlexiSPY portal. Here’s whats changed. 1. We’ve reintroduced the original dashboard area In response to customer requests, we’ve reintroduced the original dashboard area. This means you can now see...