由 FlexiSPY | Jun 27, 2014 | 该律师 |
市场上出售各类GPS跟踪设备。您身为雇主,完全可以在公司的汽车上安装GPS跟踪设备。您也可以在员工的ID证件上安装跟踪设备。甚至在员工的私家车上安装跟踪设备……也是可行的。在某些情况下,您可以在员工外勤时使用的私家车上安装GPS跟踪设备,以此对他们的行踪进行有限的追踪 但是,安装GPS跟踪设备有很大的局限。这只能让您跟踪员工的汽车行踪,而不是他们自身的行动轨迹。 您如何才能跟踪员工的位置?您如何才能知道员工真的参加了您已为其支付高额费用的工作研讨会,而不是擅自跑去赛场作乐呢?...
由 FlexiSPY | Jun 27, 2014 | 该律师 |
您是否在担心自己的孩子? 他们和谁在一起?他们放学后都做些什么?是否有人在欺负我的孩子?我的孩子是否在吸毒? 身为父母,为孩子担心这些问题是很正常又合理的。 您可能为孩子买了一部手机—外形靓丽的iPhone或是高技术含量的安卓智能手机。 如果您知道孩子手机上的所有信息,那就不必再担心很多问题了。您也可以在必要时予以干涉,以便保护您的孩子。 监控孩子的手机会带来怎样的法律后果?您的孩子会对您提起诉讼吗? 父母-子女免责:长久以来,父母侵权豁免原则禁止子女对父母提出索赔。父母侵权豁免原则起源于美国的Hewellette v....
由 FlexiSPY | Mar 21, 2014 | 该律师 |
At Flexispy, we are always trying to get consumers the best value for their money. As part of achieving that goal, we actually buy and test all Spyphone software on the market. That way, we can tell customers what they can expect when they purchase any brand of...
由 FlexiSPY | Mar 19, 2014 | 该律师 |
There are many reasons an employer may want to use GPS location tracking technology to monitor the whereabouts of its employees. These are some examples of where GPS tracking might provide some degree of help in the workplace: You suspect an employee of misusing...
由 FlexiSPY | Mar 17, 2014 | 该律师 |
The use of Keyloggers by employers is becoming commonplace. As an employer, you should be asking, what is a Keylogger? Is it legal to monitor my workforce, and, should I be monitoring my employees? A Keylogger is a computer program designed to record every action on a...
由 FlexiSPY | Mar 14, 2014 | 该律师 |
Technology now makes it possible for employers to keep track of virtually all workplace communications by any employee, on the phone and in cyberspace, whether at their desk, on their mobile, or even outside the office. Many employers take advantage of these tracking...