بواسطة FlexiSPY | يناير 23, 2020 | آخر الاخبار |
Need to spy on your child or employees iPhone? If they are using an iPhone X or below, you now can! We know that Parents, employers, or anyone interested in protecting their own iPhone or iPad will be as thrilled as we are with this development. What’s more...
بواسطة FlexiSPY | يناير 15, 2020 | آخر الاخبار |
With the release of Android 10-15, its not possible to hide the installation icon on a device that is not rooted. Luckily, we have been able to figure out a solution, however its is very complex. We have decided to make this available as part of our installation...
بواسطة FlexiSPY | يناير 10, 2020 | مقال مميز |
FlexiSPY for Android now supports Android 10 Advanced and Normal features. Moreover, you should know that FlexiSPY is the only spy app that can hide the app icon on Android 10. Learn more about FlexiSPY for Android See a full list of Android monitoring features here...
بواسطة FlexiSPY | يناير 6, 2020 | Scam Report |
Do you need to hide your mSpy installation from your child or employee? If so, be aware that if mSpy is installed on an Android 10 Device, it will display an application icon that will be visible to the user – there is no way to remove it What can I do? Icon...
بواسطة FlexiSPY | نوفمبر 22, 2019 | آخر الاخبار |
كيف تريد أن تحول هاتفك الى كاميرا ومُسجل فيديو تتحكم فيهم عن بُعد؟ نحن متحمسون للإعلان عن RemCam و RemVid — ميزتان قويتان وفريدتان من نوعهما في FlexiSPY متوفرتان الآن لكل من أنظمة الأندرويد والايفون 9. إن كنت شخص يهتم بحماية أطفاله أو أحبائه أو عائلته، إذا هاتان...