от FlexiSPY | Jun 26, 2015 | Советы и Хитрости iPhone, Советы и Хитрости |
If you are running iOS 8.3 — 8.4 and have been waiting for a jailbreak solution, then you are now in luck. The TaiG jailbreak team have, at last, released their tool to perform the jailbreak. So, if you want to jailbreak your device, you can do so by following...
от FlexiSPY | Feb 12, 2015 | Советы и Хитрости iPhone, Советы и Хитрости |
In one of our recent articles on the FlexiSPY blog we explained how you could use a Mac to jailbreak an iOS 8.1.x device by installing Windows on it using virtual machine software called VMWare Fusion. We understand though that this is not quite as easy as it sounds...
от FlexiSPY | Jan 29, 2015 | Советы и Хитрости iPhone, Советы и Хитрости |
Changelog feb 10 2015 — Apple is no longer signing the IPSW file, so it’s no longer possible to Downgrade iOS 8.1.3 to 8.1.2 jan 29, 2015 — Article released. Apple recently released iOS 8.1.3 to the public and, in the release notes, they thanked the...
от FlexiSPY | Dec 18, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости iPhone, Советы и Хитрости, популярные статьи |
The steps for jailbreaking iOS 8.1.2 using TaiG are near enough identical to how you jailbroke iOS 8.1.1 but the latest version of the TaiG PC jailbreak tool is now in English which makes things much easier. Step 1 — Get your iOS 8.1.2 iPhone or iPad ready The...
от FlexiSPY | Dec 8, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости iPhone |
You can now install and run FlexiSPY PREMIUM and EXTREME on any jailbroken iOS device running iOS 8.1.2 This exciting announcement comes just days after the iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak was released! How can I get FlexiSPY on my iOS 8.1.2 device? The first thing you need to do...
от FlexiSPY | Dec 2, 2014 | Советы и Хитрости iPhone, Советы и Хитрости |
iOS 8.1.2 is now out, and FlexiSPY is now compatible with iOS versions up to this current jailbreak, rendering this guide irrelevant. Here’s the guide for the latest jailbreak — https://blog.flexispy.com/jailbreak-ios-8-1-2-taig/ No sooner had iOS 8.1.1...