von FlexiSPY | Nov. 22, 2019 | Aktuelles |
Möchten Sie Ihr Handy in eine ferngesteuerte Kamera verwandeln und Videos aufzeichnen? Wir präsentieren RemCam & RemVid – zwei einzigartige und leistungsfähige FlexiSPY-Features – für Android 9. Wenn Sie Ihre Kinder, Liebsten oder Familie beschützen wollen, dann...
von FlexiSPY | Okt. 17, 2019 | Besondere Beitrag, Beiträge Die Sie Lesen Müssen |
Are you looking for a spy app, but wondering why you should choose FlexiSPY? With so many spy apps claiming to be the best, it’s hard to figure out who to believe. That’s why we decided to sum up the things you need to know before making your choice, so...
von FlexiSPY | Sep. 5, 2019 | Besondere Beitrag, Aktuelles |
Want to reveal secrets on an iPhone? FlexiSPY is proud to announce that our iPhone spy app & iPad spy app now supports up to iOS 12.4 This means if you are a parent, employer, or anyone interested in protecting their own iPhone, now’s your chance! Whatsmore...
von FlexiSPY | Juli 23, 2019 | Besondere Beitrag, Aktuelles |
This year 1.5 billion people worldwide will send messages to friends, family, and people they’ve met on the internet with an IM application called WhatsApp. You probably use it yourself, and with it’s enormous user base, odds are if you’re interested...
von FlexiSPY | Juni 25, 2019 | Aktuelles |
We’ve made some useful updates to the FlexiSPY portal. Here’s whats changed. 1. We’ve reintroduced the original dashboard area In response to customer requests, we’ve reintroduced the original dashboard area. This means you can now see...