Spycall is Back!

FlexiSPY’s Iconic feature lets you remotely open the phone’s microphone and check your loved ones are not in the company of predators or in dangerous situations Ideal for baby-sitters, child monitors, or anyone who wishes to know who their child is talking...

iPhone Spy Apps Compared

(Or, Why FlexiSPY is the only Spy App To Monitor new iPhones) With so many iPhone monitoring solutions out there, offering the same or a very similar set of features, it can be a challenge to distinguish the exceptional from the amateur. We’ve published this article...


如果您想对员工或子女负责,您就应该知道掌握他们如何使用某些程序的重要性, 所以今天我们很荣兴地将应用程序截屏和键盘记录器介绍给大家。 这两项功能帮助您获取一个应用程序的详细使用情况。 请大家详细了解这两项功能究竟能做到哪些? 键盘记录器 当使用某一应用程序时键入任何信息,如Facebook,我们的键盘记录器将会保存所有键盘键入的详细信息并保存在一个非常安全的文件夹中。 登录到您的私人帐户,查看所有的详细内容,也能通过搜索字词、密码等发现更多有价值的信息。...